
Harpoon is configured via a YAML file that contains Harpoon configuration and configuration for each docker image.

The Harpoon options below can be configured inside your configuration under a harpoon section, but most options will be overridden with what is provided by the command line.

However, these can be overridden on a per task basis with the overrides option for the task.

The Image options below are what is available per image:




tag = (optional) string

Tag used for pulling/pushing a single image

flat = (default=False) boolean

Don’t show images as layers when doing harpoon show

extra = (default=””) string

Sets the $@ variable. Alternatively specify these after a -- on the commandline

debug = (default=False) boolean

Whether debug has been specified

config = (optional) file

The location of the configuration to use. If not set the HARPOON_CONFIG env variable is used

addons = { string : [ string, … ] }

A dictionary of namespace to list of names for addons to register

stdout = (default=<_io.TextIOWrapper name=’<stdout>’ mode=’w’ encoding=’utf-8’>) any

The stdout to use for printing

do_push = (default=False) boolean

Push images after making them (automatically set by the push tasks

artifact = (optional) string

Extra information for actions

tty_stdin = (default=None) any

The stdin to use for a tty

no_cleanup = (default=False) boolean

Don’t cleanup the images/containers automatically after finish

tty_stdout = (default=<function HarpoonSpec.harpoon_spec.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x7f940c70e830>) any

The stdout to use for a tty

tty_stderr = (default=<function HarpoonSpec.harpoon_spec.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x7f940c70e9e0>) any

The stderr to use for a tty

extra_files = [ string, … ]

Extra files to load in as configuration

chosen_task = (default=”list_tasks”) string

The task to run

interactive = (default=True) boolean

Run the container with a tty

chosen_image = (default=””) string

The image that we want to run

silent_build = (default=False) boolean

Don’t print out log information

keep_replaced = (default=False) boolean

Don’t auto remove replaced images

only_pushable = (default=False) boolean

Ignore images that don’t have an image_index option

ignore_missing = (default=False) boolean

Don’t raise errors if we try to pull an image that doesn’t exist

docker_context = any

The docker context object (set internally)

no_intervention = (default=False) boolean

Don’t create intervention images when an image breaks

intervene_afterwards = (default=False) boolean

Create an intervention image even if the image succeeds

docker_context_maker = any

Function that makes a new docker context object (set internally)


tag = (optional) string

defaults to ‘latest’

env = [ [string, (string_or_int_as_string )] , … ]

Environment options

cpu = <options>

CPU options

cap_add = (default=None) [ string, … ]

List of kernel capabilties to add to the container

cap_drop = (default=None) [ string, … ]

List of kernel capabilties to drop from the container

mem_limit = (default=0) integer

Memory limit in bytes

cpu_shares = (default=None) integer

The CPU Shares for container (ie. the relative weight vs othercontainers)

cpuset_cpus = (default=None) string

CPUs in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1).

cpuset_mems = (default=None) string

Memory nodes (MEMs) in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1). Only effective on NUMA systems.

memswap_limit = (default=0) integer

Total memory usage (memory + swap); set -1 to disable swap

name = (default=”{_key_name_1}”) string

The name of the image

user = (default=None) string

The user to use inside the container

vars = dictionary

Arbritrary dictionary of values

bash = delayed

A command to run, will transform into {} -c '<bash>'

shell = (default=”/bin/bash”) string

The shell to use for the bash option

links = [ [match, (string )] , … ]

The containers to link into this container

ports = [ [string_or_int_as_string, (string_or_int_as_stringstring_or_int_as_string )] , … ]

The ports to expose

harpoon = any

The harpoon object

command = delayed

The default command for the image

context = dict_from_bool

The context options for building the container

volumes = <options>

Extra volumes to mount in the container

mount = [ [string, string, (string, )] , … ]

Volumes to mount into this container

share_with = [ string, … ]

Containers to share volumes with

ulimits = (default=None) [ dictionary, … ]

A list of ulimits to set in the container

network = <options>

Network options

dns = (default=None) [ string, … ]

A list of dns servers for the container to use

mode = (default=None) string

Sets the networking mode for the container

hostname = (default=None) string

The desired hostname to use for the container

disabled = (default=False) boolean

Whether the network is disabled

domainname = (default=None) string

The desired domain name to use for the containe

dns_search = (default=None) [ string, … ]

A list of DNS search domains

extra_hosts = [ string, … ]

A list of hostnames/IP mappings to be added to the container’s /etc/hosts file

network_mode = (default=None) string

The network mode

publish_all_ports = (default=False) boolean

Allocates a random host port for all of a container’s exposed ports

devices = (default=None) [ dictionary, … ]

Devices to add to the container

key_name = “{_key_name_1}”

The name of the key this image was defined with in the configuration

commands = (required) [ match, … ]

The commands that make up the Dockerfile for this image

lxc_conf = (default=None) filename

The location to an lxc_conf file

image_name = (optional) string

The name of the image that is to be built

cache_from = delayed

The images to use cache from

log_config = (default=None) [ dictionary, … ]

Log configuration for the container

privileged = (default=False) boolean

Gives the container full access to the host

image_index = (default=””) string

The index and prefix to push to. i.e.

assume_role = (optional) string

An aws iam role to assume for running the container

security_opt = (default=None) [ string, … ]

A list of string values to customize labels for MLS systems, such as SELinux.

no_tty_option = (default=False) boolean

Say False for tty when making the image but still use dockerpty

configuration = any

The root configuration

other_options = <options>

Other options to use in docker commands

start = dictionary

Extra options to pass into docker.start

build = dictionary

Extra options to pass into

create = dictionary

Extra options to pass into docker.create

host_config = dictionary

extra options to pass into docker.utils.host_config

container_name = (optional) string

The name to give to the running container

authentication = { string : set_options }

Authentication options for specific registries

wait_condition = (optional) <options>

Wait for this condition to resolve before starting other containers

greps = (optional) { string : string }

A dictionary of filename to a regex of what to expect in the file

harpoon = “{harpoon}”

Access to the harpoon object

timeout = (default=300) integer

How many seconds till we stop waiting altogether

command = (optional) [ string, … ]

A list of commands to run

port_open = (optional) [ integer, … ]

A list of ports to look for

file_value = (optional) { string : string }

A dictionary of filename to expected content

curl_result = (optional) { string : string }

A dictionary of urls and expected content from the url

file_exists = (optional) [ string, … ]

A list of files to look for

wait_between_attempts = (default=5) float

How many seconds to wait between attempts

restart_policy = (default=None) string

The behaviour to apply when the container exists

deleteable_image = (default=False) boolean

Whether this image can be deleted after use

read_only_rootfs = (default=False) boolean

Mount the container’s root filesystem as read only. Specified as a boolean value.

image_name_prefix = (default=””) string

The prefix given to the name of the image

dependency_options = { image_name : <options> }

Any options to apply to our dependency containers

attached = (default=False) boolean

Whether harpoon attaches to this container or not

wait_condition = (optional) <options>

Dictionary of image name to wait_conditions. These override wait conditions on the dependency itself

greps = (optional) { string : string }

A dictionary of filename to a regex of what to expect in the file

harpoon = “{harpoon}”

Access to the harpoon object

timeout = (default=300) integer

How many seconds till we stop waiting altogether

command = (optional) [ string, … ]

A list of commands to run

port_open = (optional) [ integer, … ]

A list of ports to look for

file_value = (optional) { string : string }

A dictionary of filename to expected content

curl_result = (optional) { string : string }

A dictionary of urls and expected content from the url

file_exists = (optional) [ string, … ]

A list of files to look for

wait_between_attempts = (default=5) float

How many seconds to wait between attempts

cleanup_intermediate_images = (default=True) boolean

Whether to remove intermediate images from multi stage builds